Two Truths and a Lie
Led by: Amy Dawson and Nicole Evans
Purpose: Get to know one another through a fun activity!
Instructions: One at a time, a person will share with the class three things. Two of the things must be truthful about the person while the third thing must be a lie (but a convincing one). The class can’t ask any other questions for clarification, the statements made must be accepted. The rest of the class must then guess which statement was the LIE. After the lie has been revealed, the class can ask a question about one of the truths in order to allow the speaker to expand/elaborate on their experience/fun fact. The speaker can only select one question to be answered. Then we move on to the next student!
Age level: This game could be played at a variety of levels. At younger ages, the facts might be more concrete (ie: siblings, birth place, pets) instead of experiences/unique opportunities.
I really think we should play this game again...