Monday, August 1, 2011

Opening Activity 7/26

The opening ice-breaker Aileen and I did was a game called Question Ball and is fairly straight forward. Find a playground ball or something big enough to write questions on and be able to pass around. The questions can be anything you see appropriate, some of ours were: Who is your celebrity crush? What's your favorite color? Michael Jackson or Prince? etc. Arrange your class or group in a circle and toss the ball to a person. When they catch it, they have to answer the question that their right thumb lands on (or is pointing to if it doesn't land on a question). After they answer the question they pass the ball to another person, and they do the same until everyone has answered a question, you can even do a fast round like we did if you'd like. This game can be used not only as an ice-breaker, but in lessons as well. Instead of writing get-to-know-you questions, you could write questions relating to the water cycle if that was what you were studying. Thanks for being great participants!

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