Thursday, July 21, 2011

Jonah response but more Q's!

I don't have a clear understanding on the different type of reading/writing programs either! I realize that Linda, Aileen, and Olivia's workshop gave us great insight to the two extremes, but what are those called, what are the advantages/disadvantages to both, and what other options are there?

Jonah - My understanding of the idea that social circles exist and the gate keeper is the one who allows you into one of those social circles. So, the easiest most relevant example I can think of is...Mean girls! Where clearly Rachel McAdams is the gatekeeper to the plastics. So yes, it can be a teacher, but it can be a lot of different people depending on what type of social circle you are referring to. Thinking on a larger scale, gatekeepers exist in social, economic, racial, and cultural circles, our dear friend Lisa was able to work her way through two gatekeepers by being in the African American teacher circle and the white progressive educators circle (it hurts to write this as being separate!) So speaking of progressive....

What is the difference between progressive and constructivist pedagogy? Dewey is progressive, as he is child centered, but how much does a teacher have to be involved for pedagogy to become constructivist and then further to become behaviorism?

Thanks Zalika for this blog assignment, super helpful!

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