Monday, July 18, 2011

The Theories as an Art Easel - What Will They Create?

The theories and information we have learned thus far in class remind me of an art easel. The easel I am picturing is child-sized, with a shelf for the paints, brushes and water that is easily accessible allowing for imagination, individual genius, and originality in teaching. It is bright yellow, attractive to all students, drawing them in, inspiring all, just as I hope my teaching will do. The painting space is quite large, allowing easy observation, which I realize will be a critical element of my teaching and assessment. The clips that hold the paper in place are purposeful, supportive, just as all aspects of education should be. The shelf that holds the paints, brushes and water is representative of the lesson plans. They are tools that require invention, curiosity, social interaction, and conversations to develop into anything substantial. There is opportunity for everyone - no one is limited. The paper is a slate to be transformed into something beautiful and colorful; imaginative and individual - showing the experiences the student brings into the lesson as well as the child’s use of the tools/teaching provided during the lesson. The different colors of paint and the accessories used for painting represent the emotion, technique, motivation and energy the children put into their art, all dependent on their stages of development. New colors and tools may be added or taken away as observations are made and adjustments are required. I plan to weave creativity, inspiration, and each of these elements into my personal pedagogy, hoping the result will be a wonderful masterpiece.


  1. Emily,
    I really liked how you discussed how each part really supports each other in educational learning. You went into so much detail that I wouldn't have thought about. I completely agree with all the parts but I especially like the part where you mentioned that new colors and tools may be added or taken away as observations are made. Really strong!

  2. I really like your post Emily, especially because you interpreted the prompt differently than I did. My blog directly connected a theorists to a piece of my analogy. You connected each piece of your analogy to a concept or idea of a particular theorist. I appreciate how we each reacted differently to the prompt and I am glad I was able to read a post that was creative and unique!

  3. I enjoyed reading your post! I like the end of your post where you said you plan to weave creativity and inspiration into your personal pedagogy resulting in a wonderful masterpiece. I got a nice visual of what you were talking about.
