Thursday, July 7, 2011

QUOTE for Vygotsky

Q : Is there ever too much play in the classroom? Where does one draw the line between structure and free play? When should we try to encourage a child’s autonomy and not have her/him “rely” on a classmate to explain? And how can you help those who you find aren't contributing to group work/conversations?

U : I understand that children need to be able to interact with one another in order to finally grasp a concept. It’s important to allow them to converse and share ideas. By doing this, children might learn more easily, solidify their knowledge, or make the discovery after not getting it for awhile. Sometimes just hearing a peer reword something can make it so much more approachable!

O : I have observed in various kindergarten and preschool classrooms how different play centers are an integral part of a child’s day. Children are able to socialize with their peers at the sand/water/bean table or be creative in the “kitchen” or explore their creative side at the paint easel. I can see and have seen how play helps children learn and interact with the world around them.

T : One treasure I want to make sure I don’t forget is that I need to spend time observing my students and making sure that I know who they are and what they enjoy and then use that in order to help them find their ZPD.

E : One easy application that I can take from Vygotsky into my own classroom is allowing some small group work at different centers in the classroom. That way, students can interact and learn from each other about various topics.

1 comment:

  1. I really like Vygotsky and child play. I think that it is so important for children to experience learning through play. When we did the parent meeting with Zalika and had to defend our classroom's play it really made me think about how I would set up play in my classroom. While it is important I think its equally important to have "objectives" for play that can be easily described to the parents. Play is so important for the social aspect of school as well so its important that the parents are on board. With that said, I think that I would spend some time 'planning play time' so I'm prepared to answer those questions from parents.
