Thursday, June 23, 2011

I am an educator who...

...wants to challenge my students. To challenge them in all aspects - emotionally, physically, mentally, spiritually, etc to help them become the person they want to be in their lives, in their community, and in the world. I want my students to look at me not as their favorite teacher but as a teacher that challenged them, that made them really think - about what it means to be a student, a part of a community, an active citizen. I am an educator who wants to give my students the tools to navigate their lives outside of school. I am an educator who wants to open the doors of my classroom because I understand that I can only teach what I know. There are perople (parents, students, and community members) available to me that are experts in their culture, religion, trade, that can add more impact into my classroom than I can alone. I am an educator who knows I can't do it on my own. I am an educator is excited about the change, the growth, and the impact I can have and make on the younger generation.

1 comment:

  1. Katie - I love the comment you make about realizing you/I can't to it alone and that a classroom can be made much richer by inviting others and their experiences into it. In reflection I realize there were minimal times when "guests" were asked to share or present in the classrooms I grew up in, even though they could contribute so much and everyone welcomed them with open arms and minds. You offer an excellent reminder to use all the resources available including other "teachers"!
