Tuesday, June 28, 2011

My Treasures

Many things come to mind when I look back on the first week of class.  There are many memories I will have for a very long time.  One treasure I have is from the first day of school.  In our arts class our teacher got our attention without the use of words.  It gave me a good idea of what the class was going to be like.  It was very interactive and engaging.  I thought it was a good icebreaker and indroduction to the course.  It helped me to relax and be more at ease on the first day of school.  I enjoyed it because we were able to interact with everyone and get to know one another.  The second treasure I have is when we went outside in our child development class.  I thought it was refreshing and a great way to do the ice breaker.  I liked how we got to know one another a little better and it showed what we could do in our own classroom as a way to start the year off.

1 comment:

  1. Amy, great recall of activities that caught us possibly off guard, but relaxed us. What a way to get students interested and it is something that they don't expect. I appreciate how these activities made you feel more comfortable, great things to keep in mind in creating a comfortable learning environment. Oh if only I could make a long list of every detail we learned!
