Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Assignment 7/20

Hi all,

As always, it was a pleasure to learn with you today. Although I would have loved 4 hours to dive into the work today, I appreciate the depth of thought you we able to bring to our discussion of Lisa Delpit's work. We will continue to work though many of the themes we touched on today in the coming weeks.

For the blog post today I would like to do a check in regarding some of the concepts and terminology we are now tossing around the classroom like old pros. A certain shared meaning becomes important as we engage in our own critical inquiry.

Bring me your questions, your confusions, your "I just don't get its" regarding:
  • progressive education
  • constructivist education
  • traditional education
  • process writing
  • skills
  • code of power
  • gatekeeper
  • higher order thinking
  • critical...thinking, pedagogy, approach, classroom, literacy etc.
  • race
  • class
  • culture
  • developmentally appropriate
  • or any other "teacher speak" that is confusing you these days.
Lets use the blog in the next two days to post questions and give our best joint attempt to answer them. Your post then could absolutely be in response to any of the questions you see others post. Yours must include at least one question but should also try to address at least one of your classmates questions. If you cannot distinctly define the above terms and explain their connection to your future classroom, somewhere inside, you have a clarifying question. Take the time to shake out your confusions and we'll work toward addressing them together. You do not need to do a response this time as your initial blog post will inherently include a response to another's blog. Have fun with this. We are all in it together.

Please take a risk and be as honest as you can...


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