Friday, July 22, 2011

Icebreaker Activity 7/22/11 -Desert Island

Desert Island -Natalie & Paige

Our icebreaker activity was “Lost on a Desert Island.” Everyone needs to figure out a meal, person, and form of entertainment of their choice they would bring. For example: I would bring homemade tacos, my boyfriend, and a deck of playing cards. This activity helps people get to know a favorite food item of people, an important person in their life or someone they admire, and something that they enjoy doing. This can be done at any age level and is great for the discussion of "about me." You could also make it a drawing activity with images that show off what they would bring. Another idea is to pretend the class is going on a trip and everyone can only bring one thing with them (gets kids thinking about what they would need and working together). It’s very important for students to know that the person they bring doesn’t have to be someone they know (someone famous is always fun). The students only need a few minutes to come up with their ideas (it's not actually happening so it's okay if it isn't perfect).

1 comment:

  1. Natalie,

    To me you are a blessing to have in class. Sometimes when you clarify reading, homework, etc., my mind has been someplace else. I am fortunate you are in our cohort. Thank you for asking questions, don't ever change for anyone!!!!
